Puhastusteenused I ZEP Service

Teenindus: (+372) 515 7849


Pakume puhastus- ja hooldusprobleemidele efektiivseid keskkonnasõbralikke lahendusi kõrgkvaliteedilisel tasandil. 

Enam kui 20 aastat kogmusi

Meie meeskonnal on enam kui 20 aastane hoolduskogemus ja moodsaimad puhastusseadmed. Sellise pühendumuse ja moodsa tehnoloogia kooslus võimaldab meil pakkuda alati vaid kvaliteetset puhastusteenust.

Parimad puhastusvahendid

Kasutame oma tegemistes ainult parima kvaliteediga puhastusvahendeid ameerika tootjalt ZEP ja kaasaegseid puhastus tarvikuid ning puhastusseadmeid.

Curricular Economy

More fuel-efficient aircraft. More direct and on-time flights. Safer skies and airports. We're found on virtually every commercial, defense and space aircraft.

Energy & Climate

Since 2010, our facilities have implemented more than 4,300 efficiency projects including building automation and controls, lighting and mechanical upgrades, saving more than $80M (annualized).


Over 100 years ago, we defined energy efficiency by making indoor comfort automatic. Today, we redefine it in 10 million buildings using our technology.

Human Rights

Each year, we keep over half a billion workers safer and more productive with voice-enabled software, barcode scanners, mobile computers and protective equipment.

Conflict Minerals

We pioneered automation control. So we understand complex industrial facilities, and how to create high-quality and high-performance chemicals and materials.

Natural Infrastructure

We provide resources and financial support to causes around the world and encourage employee volunteerism.